Combined Programs


The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) offers a dual degree program that includes a bachelor of science in one of the SEAS majors listed below (with a minor in computer science) and master of science in the field of computer science. All requirements for both degrees and the minor program must be fulfilled.

The following bachelor of science majors are eligible for this program:

  • Biomedical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Civil engineering, option in environment engineering, medical preparation, civil engineering, or transportation and sustainability
  • Computer engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Electrical engineering, option in energy or medical preparation
  • Systems engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering, option in aerospace, biomechanical, medical preparation, patent law, or robotics

6 graduate credits (two courses) may be shared between the two degrees, 3 credits of which should be in CSCI 6011. Students may substitute comparable undergraduate coursework in systems/architecture for CSCI 6011, in which case another 6000-level course must be taken in its place. Students must select two of the following courses as electives for the minor program: CSCI 3410CSCI 3212, or CSCI 3411CSCI 6212 may be substituted for CSCI 3212; however, CSCI 6212 cannot be counted as one of the two graduate courses taken during the undergraduate program.

Students must have a minimum 3.3 technical GPA at the time of graduation from the undergraduate program to continue to the master’s program as part of a dual degree.

5-year Bachelor’s and Master’s in CS 

This program provides a valuable opportunity for students to complete a conventional four-year undergraduate degree in computer science and then, with one additional year of study, earn a Master’s degree in computer science or a Master’s degree in cybersecurity in computer science.

To complete the two degrees in five years, students must take two graduate level courses as part of their electives in the bachelor's program. Admission to the graduate portion of the program is highly selective and requires a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a minimum technical GPA of 3.3. The technical GPA is the GPA of all the computer science courses used towards the Computer Science requirements in the undergraduate program (for a course taken multiple times, the highest grade counts). The fifth year of study, leading to the Master of Science, consists of eight courses selected from the graduate level courses. Students receive the Bachelor's degree after completing the fourth year, and the M.S. degree after the fifth year of course work. See the graduate section of this website for details on the graduate portion of the program.

Application Deadlines and Requirements:

  • To be considered for admission, students (B.A. or B.S.) should have completed at least 6 credits of upper division courses that are required for the B.S. program (3212, 3313, 3410, 3411).
  • Transfer students (i.e., those who have transferred to GW from another college or university) must include their grades in computer science courses from their transfer institution on the application form. These grades will be included in computing their technical GPA.
  • Working in consultation with their advisors, students may apply no earlier than their 5th semester (typically, the junior Fall semester) and no later than the first week of their 7th semester.

How to apply:

In order to apply for the combined bachelor’s/master’s program, students should complete an Application for Graduate Study and select the combined program option.  More information and FAQs are available on the School of Engineering and Applied Science website.