Second Major in Computer Science

Students in other GW schools or other departments in the School of Engineering and Applied Science who desire a second major in computer science must apply in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.  Please review the list of Frequently Asked Questions and then contact with any further questions.

To receive a second major in computer science, students must complete the general curriculum requirements of their home school and the Department of Computer Science requirements listed below---which are based on whether their primary degree, from their home school, is a BS or a BA. Note that the university requires that at least 12 credits are exclusive to the second major.


BA Second Major Computer Science Requirements of 11 courses

Six required courses:

  • CSCI 1111 Introduction to Software Development (3)
  • CSCI 1112 Algorithms and Data Structures I (3); Prerequisites: CSCI 1111 with a minimum grade of C; and MATH 1220 or MATH 1231.
  • CSCI 1311 Discrete Structures (3); Prerequisites: MATH 1220 or MATH 1231
  • CSCI 2113 Software Engineering (3); Prerequisites: MATH 1221 or MATH 1231; and CSCI 1112 with a minimum grade of C
  • CSCI 2460 Introduction to Computer Systems (3); Prerequisites: Prerequisites: CSCI 1112 and CSCI 1311 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: CSCI 2113.
  • CSCI 2441 Database and Team Projects (3); Corequisite: CSCI 2113

Five required additional CS courses (Pre-Fall 2022 or Post-Fall 2022)

Pre-Fall 2022 (Academic Year 2021-2022 or before): Students who begin the CS second major before Fall 2022, must complete 5 CS Elective courses along with a Significant Independent Project. The requirements are as follows:

Two CS Electives from:

  • CSCI 3212 Algorithms (4); Prerequisites: CSCI 1311, 2113
  • CSCI 3313 Foundations of Computing (3); Prerequisites: CSCI 2113, and CSCI 2312 or 2460 or 2461 or MATH 2971
  • CSCI 3410 Systems Programming (3); Prerequisites: CSCI 2113, 2461
  • CSCI 2410 Systems Programming (3): Prerequisite: CSCI 1112 with minimum grade of C
  • CSCI 3411 Operating Systems (4); Prerequisites: CSCI 2113, and CSCI 2410 or 2461
  • CSCI 4223 Principles of Programming Languages (3); Prerequisites: CSCI 1311, 2113

Three electives from a Technical Track

Additionally, Pre-Fall 2022 students must also complete a Significant Independent Project (approved by your CS faculty advisor) by doing one of the following: (1) complete a course in the second major that includes a thesis or significant project, or (2) complete both CSCI 4243 and CSCI 4244. 

CS BA 2nd majors must complete a CS BA Technical Track, CS Electives and Project Declaration form:

Post-Fall 2022: Students who begin the CS second major in Fall 2022 or later, the 5 CS course requirements are as follows:

One Required Course: CSCI 3212 Algorithms (4); Prerequisites: CSCI 1311, 2113.

Four Advanced CS Electives courses (minimum 12 credit hours)

  • The Advanced CS Elective courses must be CSCI courses numbered 2400 or above.
  • Of the four courses, at least two (for a minimum of 6 credits) must be at the 4000 level or above. 
  • CSCI 4243 and CSCI 4244 may not be used toward the advanced CS elective requirement.
  • The faculty advisor’s documented approval is required before these courses may be applied toward degree completion.

Students who begin Fall 2022 or later do not need to complete the significant independent project.


Additional Requirements for all second major CS BA students

Credits in residence requirement:
At least 24 credits in computer science courses must be completed in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Graduation GPA requirement:
To satisfactorily complete a second major, a student must have a minimum GPA of 2.2 in all the Department of Computer Science courses he or she has taken.

Admission requirement:
The admission criteria and application form for the second major can be found here.

Course registration information for interested and declared CS 2nd Majors

Students can only take each course during the semester they are eligible, with the appropriate prerequisite.

  • CSCI 1111 - Spring 
    • Any GW undergraduate may take CSCI 1111 in Spring. Do not yet need to be declared a CS minor or 2nd major.
    • In Fall, CSCI 1111 is open only to SEAS first year students, primary CS majors and declared secondary BS in CS majors, all of whom may also take it in Spring.
  • CSCI 1112 - Fall 
    • Declared majors and minors may take CSCI 1112 in Fall.
    • In Spring, CSCI 1112 is open only to SEAS first year students, primary CS majors and declared secondary BS in CS majors, all of whom may also take it in Fall.
  • CSCI 1311 - Fall 
    • Declared majors and minors may take CSCI 1311 in Fall.
    • In Spring, CSCI 1311 is open only to primary CS majors and declared secondary BS in CS majors, all of whom may also take it in Fall.
    • It is recommended to be taken at the same time as CSCI 1112
  • CSCI 2113 - Spring
    • Declared majors and minors may take CSCI 2113 in Spring.
    • In Fall, CSCI 2113 is open only to primary Computer Science majors and declared secondary BS in Computer Science majors, all of whom may also take it in Spring.

Note: GWU has offered some of these CSCI courses online during the Summer. Students can take the course(s) they meet the prerequisites for during the Summer. However, this will not change the eligibility during the Fall/Spring semesters.

If you have registration issues, please submit your inquiry here. For questions, email