Creating Trustworthy AI Systems to Ensure Equity in the Real World

February 23, 2023

group in front of a testing building

AI is becoming more deeply integrated within all parts of modern society, driving advances in science, engineering, the workforce, transportation, and social interaction. This integration creates a tension between the opportunities for ubiquitous AI to transform our world and the emergent risks around bias, security and privacy that arise.

GW Engineering will play a leading role in developing the next generation of AI algorithms and systems and build an understanding of how those systems can be best integrated within society. Ph.D. fellows from GW’s Designing Trustworthy AI Systems (DTAIS) program are gaining firsthand knowledge about convergent problems in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

DTAIS is an NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) administered by the GW departments of Computer Science and Engineering Management and Systems Engineering. Our NSF funding allows us to support full-time PhD students pursuing critical research that lies outside the bounds of traditional disciplines. At the same time, DTAIS remains committed to innovative modes of instruction, interdisciplinary education and broadening STEM education to communities typically excluded from participation. In the future, DTAIS will offer a graduate certificate for students and professionals to gain the competency needed to address questions in this space and lead initiatives at their organizations.

The DTAIS community brings together dedicated students, faculty and professionals to shape our relationship to AI and the workplace of tomorrow. Our students receive mentorship from professors across campus and experts in industry, and our academic and professional partners gain access to passionate early researchers eager to make a difference.