Department News

Jane Goodall standing in a research lab



Dr. Aviv wins Google Faculty Research Award

Dr. Adam Aviv has received a $78,645 Google Faculty Research Award for the project “Security Assessment of In-App Authentication on Android.”

2019 R&D Showcase CS winners

CS winners of SEAS Student R&D Showcase

The Department of Computer Science (CS) congratulates the CS student and faculty mentor winners of the 2019 SEAS Student R&D Showcase.

Dr. Adam Aviv joins CS department

The CS department welcomes Dr. Adam Aviv, who has joined us as an associate professor.

Three CS faculty win Department of Defense grant

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded a DOD capacity building grant to CS faculty members Drs. Arkady Yerukhimovich, Costis Toregas, and Shelly Heller for the project “Capacity Building:...

illustration of computer with ones and zeroes

CS Research Talk

Join computer science professor Dr. Adam Aviv on August 26 for "Helping Users to Authenticate Securely."

Grace Liu

Grace Liu selected as one of the N2Women: Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications

Grace Liu, a CS PhD student advised by Dr. Timothy Wood, received the award which recognizes the "10 most impacting and inspiring women in networking" each year.

Dr. Vora publishes article on India’s voting technology

Dr. Poorvi Vora recently authored the article “How the world's largest democracy casts its ballots’’ for The Conversation. It discusses India's voting technology.

Dr. Hahn receives SEAS Faculty Excellence Award

Congratulations to Dr. James Hahn, who has been named the 2019 SEAS Distinguished Researcher. 

Hong Xuan wins 2019 GW Research Days competition award

At the 2019 GW Research Days competition, CS graduate student Hong Xuan won an AccelerateGW I-Corps Site Grant for his project, “Deep Randomized Ensembles for Image Retrieval.” Hong is advised by Dr...

Samsara Counts’ research is featured in GW Today

CS senior Samsara Counts is the subject of the April 8 GW Today article “Computer Science for Social Good.” The article covers her effort to use deep learning methods to develop tools that help...