GW Today Highlights Women in Science Event Hosted at GW Engineering

February 11, 2023

Lena Rose and Darika Shaibekova standing in front of WiCys posters

GW Vice Provost for Research Pamela Norris hosted a celebration of women in science event at the Science and Engineering Hall on February 7th. In the article "Leading Women and Girls to Careers in Science," GW Today detailed the event that brought in students from local high schools, including D.C.'s School Without Walls, to see, interact, and network with the wonderfully vibrant community of women in STEM at GW. Among them were Darika Shaibkova and Lena Rose, members of the GW Chapter of Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS).

Here is an excerpt from the article: "GW Vice Provost for Research Pamela Norris said she was inspired to host the event following conversations with the science advisers at the three embassies and CNRI’s vice president for research. Together they welcomed the crowd at GW and talked about the importance of collaboration and diversity in the sciences."

Read the full article on GW Today.