Kaisler Addresses Major Issues in Big Data and Analytics at HICSS-56

February 8, 2023

Stephen Kaisler presenting his paper

Dr. Stephen Kaisler, Instructor in the Department of Computer Science, travelled to sunny Maui, Hawaii to present his paper, “Big Data and Analytics: Issues and Challenges for the Past and Next 10 Years,” at the 56th Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56). This paper assesses some of the major issues and challenges seen in Big Data and Analytics. It is the sixth in a series of papers Kaisler has published with his colleagues F. Armour and A. Espinosa of American University and W. Money of The Citadel. They come together to update their findings and publish a new paper every 2-3 years since the field is moving so fast. Kaisler usually takes the lead on the initial draft and receives substantial comments and discussion from his colleagues.

This team started working in Enterprise Architecture in 2003, but branched into Big Data and Analytics in 2013 after Kaisler heard Doug Cutting talk at HICSS-47. At GW, Kaisler initiated a course on Big Data and Analytics in the Computer Science department, which has been running for the past 10 years.

HICSS is now entering its 57th year and is the number one cited conference in the world for academic citations. Regarding attending this event, Kaisler stated, “We have great interactions with many people, both foreign and domestic, during the conference which always leads to new avenues for investigation. Also, Hawaii in January is much more preferable than Washington D.C. as to weather.”