Department News

Jane Goodall standing in a research lab



Nelson Jaimes receiving his award

Advancing Information Sciences Through Emerging and Disruptive Technologies

Congratulations to Computer Science Ph.D. student, Nelson Jaimes, on presenting the paper, "Using biologically hierarchical modular architecture for explainable, tunable, generalizable, spatial AI,”...

Elyse Nicolas

GenCyber GW Middle School Girls Cybersecurity Camp 2022 Program

Professorial Lecturer, adjunct faculty member in the Computer Science Department, Elyse Nicolas is the Principal Investigator/Program Director on a grant awarded to GW for a 2022 GenCyber camp...

Senator Mark Warner and President Mark Wrighton

GW Business & Policy Forum Cultivates Impactful Dialogue on Attacking Cybersecurity Risks

The inaugural GW Business & Policy Forum: Attacking Cybersecurity Risks was held on April 25 to examine emerging cybersecurity threats affecting national security and resulting in high costs for...

Sibin Mohan

Professor Sibin Mohan Aids in Project to Protect Power Grids

Dr. Sibin Mohan is working extensively on the topic of security in critical systems. One of his projects includes a study led by Texas A&M University that is working on protecting the power grid...

Autonomous Rover Dr. Mohan Built

From Autonomous Cars to Power Grids: Solving Critical System Predictability

Dr. Sibin Mohan received an NSF CAREER Award for his study, “Indistinguishability Prevents Information Leakage in Real-Time Schedulers," which attempts to make critical systems less vulnerable to...

Gabe parmer and students at IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium

Computer Science Students Excel at RTSS 2022 for Transforming the Edge

Congratulations to Dr. Gabriel Parmer and his students, Wenyuan Shao, Bite Ye, Huachuan Wang, and Yuxin Ren, for receiving the best paper award at the 43rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)!

adam aviv

iPhone Passcodes Become an Opening to Steal One's Digital Life

Dr. Adam Aviv, Associate Professor of Computer Science at GW, was quoted in a recent article by The Wall Street Journal.

group in front of a testing building

Creating Trustworthy AI Systems to Ensure Equity in the Real World

Through the DTAIS program, GW Engineering will play a leading role in developing the next generation of AI algorithms and systems and how those systems can be best integrated within society.

Lena Rose and Darika Shaibekova standing in front of WiCys posters

GW Today Highlights Women in Science Event Hosted at GW Engineering

GW Vice Provost for Research Pamela Norris hosted a celebration of women in science at an event in the Science and Engineering Hall on February 7th.

Stephen Kaisler presenting his paper

Kaisler Addresses Major Issues in Big Data and Analytics at HICSS-56

Dr. Stephen Kaisler presented his paper, "Big Data and Analytics: Issues and Challenges for the Past and Next 10 Years," at the 56th Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56).